When Should You Opt for DIY Garage Door Repair in Vaughan?

DIY garage door repair in Vaughan is trendy. It helps you save money and bring your technical skills to life. Who wouldn’t want that! However, before you roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty, you need to know what constitutes a DIY garage repair job and what does not. If you aren’t careful, you may cause more than good in the long run. Without further ado, here are the tasks that are safe to DIY.

  1. Loose Bolts, Hinges, And Nuts

A clattering door is caused by a number of issues, one of which is loose hinges, bolts, or nuts. Small parts loosen up over time as a result of temperature changes, both outside and inside the garage which cause them to expand or contract. If your door is experiencing issues because of its hardware, consider tightening things up. Grab the necessary tools, apply some elbow grease and get tightening.

  1. The Garage Door Is Noisy During Opening And Closing

Have you ever heard squealing or crunching noises when you open or close your garage door? If yes, you are in luck because the problem is easy to fix. For the most part, the issue is caused by a lack of lubrication or the presence of dirt in the tracks. The solution to this is to clean out the tracks. If the problem doesn’t go away, apply a lubricant on the tracks.

  1. The Garage Door Doesn’t Open Completely

When the garage door stops midway as it opens, it is easy to want to call their garage door repair in Vaughan. Sure, this is the best way to go about it but before you pick up the phone, check to see if the issue is safe for DIY. Blockage in the tracks has been known to obstruct the path of the door causing it to open up to a certain level. If this is the case, removing whatever is blocking the tracks will get the door opening all the way again. If there’s nothing blocking the tracks, proceed to ask for expert help because this means the problem is bigger than you can handle.

  1. The Remote Isn’t Working

A remote that fails to open or close a garage door is a simple DIY repair. If yours is not responding when you press the button, consider moving closer to the door to stay in range. If the problem still persists, use the wall switch to see if your door will respond. If the door opens, the problem definitely lies with your remote. The solution would be to replace the batteries or replace the remote control altogether.

  1. The Weather Seal Needs Replacing

Finally, if your garage floor is wet or if you see some light from under your garage door, there are chances that your weather seal is not working properly anymore. This is a relatively simple and inexpensive garage door repair in Vaughan. Know the right size and type of deal and grab it at the hardware store.

There it is; five garage door repairs that are perfectly okay for DIY. As usual, if something seems off, you are better off paying a pro to take care of it.

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