3 Ways on How to preserve your special flowers

One of our culture’s oldest artistic traditions is the preservation of flowers. Flowers have long been used to adorn homes since they stand for unmatched individual beauty. Depending on your intended use, you can freeze-dry, press, or create a one-of-a-kind piece of art out of your flowers from a flower preservation service.

There are many ways to preserve flowers, but this article will focus on the three most common methods: freezing, dry (freezing), and pressing (squeezing).

Before beginning, you must first carefully wash the flowers. This will remove any germs that may be present and ensure that there are no insects or bugs hidden within the petals. You should also remove any leaves from stems so they do not fall into the resin mixture as it dries out after being mixed.

Using Freeze Drying:

Freeze drying is a way to preserve flowers so that they last for an indefinite amount of time. This process requires freezing the flowers first and then placing them in a freezer for approximately eight hours or overnight. The next day you remove the flowers from their bed and place them in a dehydrator until they reach the desired texture. You can also add a resin coating to help protect your flowers from dirt and dust while in storage.

Here’s how to preserve flowers with resin:

1) Take your flowers and place them in a vase or container. Cover with water, let sit overnight, then drain the water from the container.

2) Add 1/3 cup of white vinegar to each 1-quart jar. Fill jars with flowers until they are completely covered in vinegar. Place lids on jars and set aside in a cool, dry place for at least 24 hours before opening jars. This will help prevent mold growth on your flowers!

3) When ready to use your preserved flower pieces, add ten drops of food coloring per ounce (oz.) of flower petals. Then fill a small saucepan with 1 inch (in.) of water and bring to a simmer over low heat (do not boil). Place the jar in simmering water until the desired color (about 5 minutes). Remove from heat and let cool completely before removing the lid

Freezing dried flowers is by far the easiest way to preserve them. Simply place your dried flowers in an airtight container and freeze them for several days so they become brittle enough to break apart easily without shattering into pieces while removing them from the container. Once they have frozen completely, remove them from their container and place them in a bag with newspaper or paper towels so they don’t stick together while being carried around during storage or transport.

Using Pressing:

This method uses heat and pressure to break down the cell walls of the flower tissue so that it becomes soft enough to handle without breaking during pressing or handling procedures. The process usually takes between 2-5 days depending on which type of material is being pressed: softwoods like pine or cedar, hardwoods like oak, and metals such as

copper, or plastic.

These flowers will last a long time without necessarily being written. If you are willing to freeze the flowers for your special occasion, you can get them done from a flower preservation service near you.

In this article, you found out how to preserve flowers that are being used but are no longer naturally in season.

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